For any dairy farmer who wants to achieve a maximum out of his animal in milk production, the comfort ability of the animal should be considered.
comfortability of the animals can be divided into two;
- Feed comfort ability
- Resting comfort ability
However much you want your animal to produce a great amount of milk by feeding it well on concentrated and good feeds, and yet you neglect its ability to comfort, you will automatically get a fail
from this , we can come up with formula
Animal production = feeding + good health +comfort ability
Less of any above will cause a loss or a fail
In order to ensure comfort ability, a checklist should include the following,
1. feeding alley.
This should be clean enough and attracting to the a animal to come and feed.
many farmers give their animals feeds from dirty and unpleasant troughs , however like an individual, we all love eating from a clean and an appetizing plate so should we do the same for the animals